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Alkyl glycosides compared with other surfactants
2021-08-18 16:57:12

Alkyl glucosides have the advantages of ordinary nonionic and anionic surfactants: high surface activity, high viscosity, rich foam, fine and stable. It has obvious synergistic effect with other surfactants; It has strong dispersibility to calcium soap and can be used in hard water; Very low irritation to epidermis, mucosa and living cells; It is easy to biodegrade in the natural environment and has less environmental pollution. APG is formed by condensation of starch or its hydrolyzed sugar with fatty alcohol. The source of raw materials is very wide, which has attracted more and more attention in recent years.

Alkyl glycoside

Alkyl glucoside is a new type of nonionic surfactant. Compared with other surfactants, it has the characteristics of stability, non toxicity, solubility, easy biodegradation and low irritation to skin. Advantages: high surface activity, high viscosity, rich foam, fine and stable. It has obvious synergistic effect when compounded with other surfactants, so it can be used as detergent, various detergents, cosmetic surfactants, pharmaceutical additives and industrial emulsifiers.

1) Soil cleaning: the remediation effect is good.

Process flow: excavation of contaminated soil, cleaning and remediation of contaminated soil, solid-liquid separation of cleaned soil, treatment of residual materials and final soil treatment.   

2) Leaching remediation of oil contaminated soil: it belongs to in-situ remediation treatment and is applied to soil with good permeability, such as sandy soil.

Principle: use the hydrophobicity and solubilization of the leaching solution to transfer the oil pollutants in the soil to the liquid phase, and extract the liquid phase from the soil for other treatment, and then discharge or reuse.

3) Heating decomposition absorption repair: the cost is high, and there is the problem of soil backfilling after repair.

Principle: Based on the understanding of the characteristics of petroleum components, the contaminated soil is excavated and placed in a certain equipment for heating to a certain temperature, so that the petroleum components in the soil become gas and volatilize at different boiling points.  

4) Gas phase suction repair: applicable to the pollution of petroleum components with low boiling point such as gasoline; Unsaturated zone soil with good permeability and average value; However, the equipment is required to be advanced and expensive.   

Principle: strengthen the directional flow of soil air by extracting the gas phase in the unsaturated zone of the underground layer, so that the oil pollutants entrained in the flowing gas phase migrate to the ground, and collect them for further treatment.