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Flame retardants are widely used in industrial fields
2023-03-23 15:58:46

Flame retardant, as the name suggests, is an additive used to prevent materials from being ignited and prevent the spread of fire. It is mainly designed for flame retardancy of polymer materials. Generally speaking, flame retardants mainly achieve flame retardant effects by absorbing heat, covering, and preventing suffocation of non-combustible gases. Materials treated with flame retardants can effectively prevent and delay the spread of flames when attacked by external fire sources.

flame retardant

Flame retardants are divided into two categories: organic flame retardants and inorganic flame retardants. Among them, organic flame retardants include organophosphorus flame retardants and organohalogen flame retardants. The representative product of organohalogen flame retardants is organobromine flame retardants. ; Inorganic flame retardants are mainly various metal oxides.

The three types of flame retardants, organohalogen, organophosphorus and inorganic flame retardants, have great differences in performance, flame retardant efficiency and environmental protection, and their application fields are also different. The specific differences of the three flame retardants are shown in the table below:

Characteristics of various flame retardants Compared with organohalogen flame retardants, organophosphorus flame retardants have the characteristics of low toxicity, less smoke, low corrosion, good compatibility with materials, and dual functions of flame retardancy and plasticization. In my country, the development of organophosphorus flame retardants started late, and the market prospect is broad.

In the field of polyurethane materials, polyurethane flexible foam flame retardants are widely used in daily life, including sofas, carpets, cushions, etc. , the downstream customers are dispersed. Polyurethane rigid foam flame retardants are widely used in industrial fields, such as building insulation materials, refrigerators, pipeline insulation materials, etc. The main application fields of polyurethane thermoplastic elastomer flame retardants are transportation, civil construction, footwear, fabrics and other materials.

Engineering flame retardants are mainly used in the manufacture of polycarbonate, nylon, polyester and other materials, among which carbonate materials are widely used in TVs, computers, mobile phones, etc.