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What are the advantages of surfactant synergistic repair technology?
2021-10-12 15:39:56

What are the advantages of surfactant synergistic repair technology? Surfactant synergistic remediation technology has become a very potential remediation technology of organic soil pollution. It mainly uses the solubilization of hydrophobic organic pollutants by surfactant solution to promote the desorption and dissolution of organic pollutants adsorbed on soil particles, and finally move out of the soil environment, so that the soil can be repaired. In the technology of bioremediation of contaminated soil, adding an appropriate amount of surfactant when necessary can disperse microorganisms and promote growth.

Performance active agent

Gemini surfactant is a kind of surfactant with special molecular structure. Its molecule is composed of ionic head groups of two surfactant monomers connected by spacer through chemical bond. Because of the particularity of its structure, it has a special microstructure; It can be used for synthesis of mesoporous template, special chemical separation, etc; Recent studies have shown that Gemini surfactants with two different surfactant monomers connected on the head group have the properties of both surfactants.

Surfactant molecules are composed of two parts with different properties (as shown in Figure 1): one is lipophilic group (also known as hydrophobic group) with affinity to oil, and the other is hydrophilic group (also known as hydrophobic group) with affinity to water. This structural feature of surfactant makes it soluble in water, the hydrophilic group is attracted by water molecules, and the lipophilic group is repelled by water molecules. In order to overcome this unstable state, only occupy the surface of the liquid level, extend the lipophilic group to the weather and the hydrophilic group to the water.

In the long-term production practice, it is found that the solution of some substances can greatly change the surface properties of the solvent even when the concentration is very small, and make it suitable for some production requirements, such as reducing the surface tension or interfacial tension of the solvent, increasing the wettability, washing, emulsification and foaming, etc. Soap, which is often used in daily life, is one of these substances. A remarkable feature of substances such as soap is that adding a small amount to water can greatly reduce the surface tension of water.